AICEL-Shura Hall


AICEL is formed from the initial letters of the following words: Activity, Information, Consultation, Exchange, and Learning. Constructed based on the motives of a boat-shaped haniwa (earthenware funerary figure) and a shura (wooden sled), the structure serves as a landmark of Fujiidera City. There is a history exhibition zone on the second floor of the hall.
In the facility, you can study Fujiidera’s ancient history, as well as view the waterfowl-shaped haniwa excavated from Tsudo-Shiroyama Mounded Tomb (the haniwa have been designated as important cultural properties), the earthen pit used for housing ironware of Nishihakayama Mounded Tomb, and other items. In addition, a replica of the epitaph of Ino Manari, a member of a Japanese mission to Tang Dynasty, is exhibited; the original epitaph was discovered in Xian, China. Thus, you can also learn about Japanese missions to Tang Dynasty.

shura hall

教育委員会事務局教育部 文化財保護課
大阪府藤井寺市岡1丁目1番1号 市役所6階65番窓口
電話番号:072-939-1111 (代表)
072-939-1419 (文化財担当、世界遺産担当)
