Ojin-tenno-ryo Kofun

Mausoleum of Emperor Ojin

Period: Beginning of the 5th century
Mounded tomb shape: Keyhole mounded tomb
Length of the mound: 425 m

Featuring a double moat and bank, this is the largest mounded tomb in the Furuichi Mounded Tomb Group.
The mausoleum constitutes a part of the holy precincts of Konda Hachimangu Shrine, which has been on the south side since ancient times. The forest growing in this area is becoming a broad-leaved evergreen forest.
The mound on the corner of the west side of the square front part has been destroyed, and this is believed to have been caused by an earthquake hitting the Konda Fault.

Ojintennou Ryo Kofun
Ojintennou Ryo Kofun
Ojintennou Ryo Kofun

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