Stone Coffins Excavated from Nagamochiyama Mounded Tomb

Period: Late 5th century

Mounded tomb shape: Round mounded tomb

Mound diameter: 40 m

Two stone coffins were buried on the top of Nagamochiyama Mounded Tomb.

Unique artifacts, such as weapons, armors, and horse trappings, were stored inside and outside of stone coffin No. 1, which was unearthed in the postwar period.

Both of the stone coffins are made of tuff from an area around Mt. Aso in the Kyushu Region of Japan, indicating that the material was carried all the way from that region.

nagamochiyamakofun shutsudonosekkan
nagamochiyamakofun shutsudonosekkan

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072-939-1419 (文化財担当、世界遺産担当)
